Facebook post by Audrey Ruth Slator Omar, May 8th, 2020:
(Copied by request of Rita Slator)
My father, Brian Slator, died suddenly and quickly from congestive heart failure on Friday, May 1st. He was 67, living with my Mom (Rita Slator) in Fargo, ND.
He was a computer science professor at NDSU, an award winning scientist and teacher, a world traveler, an author. He had a motorcycle, had worked on the railroad, made movies, had been an English major, and was a theater fan.
He was so so smart, and funny, and generous. He hated musical theater, but still saw every production I was ever in. He could not cook, but he would eat whatever was served to him with appreciation. He used to eat the cakes I baked for breakfast. He had a really scary yelling voice, and a temper. He loved and was fascinated by his grandchildren. He quit smoking 12 years ago without telling anyone. He supported me and loved his family unequivocally.
He could be reserved with Megan and I, so we are desperate to hear from his friends, both old and new.
Those of you who know what the world lost, please share your thoughts and memories with us.
We will hold a service when it is safer for everyone to travel.

Claire McNellan:
Audrey, I am so sorry for your loss. It is such a strange time to be mourning and so hard not to be able to be surrounded by family and friends. I hope you take the time you need to grieve. Sending you love and strength!
Amanda Hughley:
Audrey, I am so incredibly sad to hear this. Sending love and comfort to you, Megan, and your entire family.
Matthew Kruse:
My sincere condolences, Audrey Ruth Slator Omar.
Rolf Fiebiger:
So sorry to hear that, Audrey.
Michele Gehrig:
So sorry for your loss Audrey Ruth Slator Omar
JS Reynolds:
I am so sorry Audrey Ruth Slator Omar .
Matt Hodler:
I am sorry, Audrey.
Laurie Sweet:
I’m so sorry Audrey. We just had a loss in our family this weekend. I feel your pain. May his memory be a comfort.
Fatema Mookhtiar Charawala:
I am so sorry for your Audrey.
Michele Cadigan:
I’m so sorry for your loss Audrey, if you need anything, I’m here
Michael J Ahlibobwa:
I’m so sorry, Audrey. What an absolute tragedy.
Audrey Ruth Slator Omar:
Thank you (love)
Veronica Rene:
I’m so sorry, Audrey! Much love to you all
Joy Candido:
Oh, Audrey! I’m so sorry to hear this. I hope you get to be close with your family soon (love)
Lesley Welsh Marion:
Oh Audrey, thank you for sharing about your father. I am so sorry for your sudden loss. My wish for you is that many who knew him will share those stories with you and your family. May those memories sustain you in the coming days… Sending all my love to you.
Audrey Ruth Slator Omar:
thank you, Lesley
Reid Messerschmidt:
I’m sorry to head this, Audrey. I think I only met him once and he seemed a little weird and scary (though that’s probably because I was a kid that wanted to kiss his daughter), and those are two very good things to be. And he was the father of a damn fine family which is the best thing to be.
Audrey Ruth Slator Omar:
Thanks, Reid. This is exactly the stuff that soothes my heart.
Marie Basile McDaniel:
I’m so sorry Audrey. Hugs to you, and your family.
Dayna Del Val:
Dr Slator was a longtime supporter of The Arts Partnership. When he first started giving, I had a conversation with him about it. He said, “I read a letter that dismissed the arts in the community, and that ticked me off. So I’m sending support your way.” He never wavered on that. Dr Slator was a quiet and excellent supporter of so much. And that doesn’t begin to discuss how supportive he was of me personally. I will miss him. I hope you know how proud of you he always was.
Monica Jo Ptacek:
I’m so sorry Audrey!
Austin Regan:
I’m so sorry to hear this Audrey. Sending love (love)
Marie DiZazzo Wilson:
I’m so sorry to hear this, Audrey. Sending you – and your family – our love.
Jean Luft:
I”m so sorry for your family’s loss. I remember your dad from when you lived in Evanston. He helped me a few times with some computer issues. You wrote a beautiful tribute to him. Please give my love to your mom and the rest of your family.
Sarah Blake Shore:
Shore Oh Audrey! I’m so sorry for your loss and hope you and your family can feel comfort and love at this time (broken hearts)
Jace Brownlee:
So sorry for your loss.
John Meyers:
Terribly sorry to hear this. My best to you and your family.
Megan Hunter:
Audrey, I’m so terribly sorry for your loss. Sending you and your family all my love. You’re very much in my thoughts. If there is anything at all that I can do, please just say. I’m here. (love)
Ann Burnett:
I can’t believe it. He was fun, unconventional, and an overall great person. I’m so sorry.
Kara GS:
I am so sorry to hear this sad news. You have some wonderful memories that you have shared here. I hope they bring you peace as you grieve. Hugs to you and your family!
Meghan Jefts:
I’m so sorry to hear this news (love)
Donna Lancianese:
My heartfelt condolences
Shelly Betts:
Oh Audrey, I’m so sorry. Sending your family lots of love. I have lots of fond memories of your dad. (love)
Audrey Ruth Slator Omar:
Thank you! I would love to hear them when you have a moment 🙂
Shelly Betts:
I remember playing at your house on Dodge and we were making up dances in your living room, I think? Your dad would walk through from time to time and smile and nod, not necessarily approvingly or disapprovingly… Just a quiet, solid recognition of our foolishness. (crying laugh) That was my sense of who he was– solid and caring. (love)
Audrey Ruth Slator Omar:
Yes, definitely.
Karinne ‘Murphy’ Davidson:
Oh Audrey. I am so terribly sorry to read this news. My heart is breaking for you and your family. I know he will continue to live through the incredible gifts and talents he passed on to you. I’m so sorry.
Christy Lennington-Asch:
I’m so sorry, Audrey! I know you and your family will always miss him and he will have a special place in your heart and memory.
Rachel Jeffrey:
So sorry for your loss. I see a lot of Izzy in his sparkling eyes and sweet smile.
Audrey Ruth Slator Omar
yes!! Me too!!
Kelly Mills:
Sorry for your loss Audrey. (crying)
Katie Phillips:
Oh Audrey, I’m so sorry. Sending so much love to you and your family (love)
Suzy Boseck:
Sending my thoughts and prayers to you and your family (love)
Ashley Jo:
I am so very sorry to hear this, Audrey. No doubt your dad was an amazing human being to have helped you become the beauty and the wonder that you are. He will certainly live on through love and laughter within your mom, sister, children and close family and friends. Sending you a huge hug (love) Take care of yourself.
Selene Poulsen:
My heart goes out to you. I’m so sorry for your loss (crying)
Christina Johnson:
It might be a strange thing to have enjoyed, but I always got a (very quiet, mostly in my head if I could help it (wink)) chuckle when he and Phil would go back and forth during a work meeting, arguing different sides of whatever was being discussed about VCell. They were both very articulate and generally played nice, but also both very invested in what they thought would be best. I was always entertained to see what the outcome would be. Not being a biology guy, he always brought a different outlook on everything that was being taught, and I think that really paid off over the years. And he was just fun to work with on that project. He was funny, and excited about it, and even when it ended, I jumped at any request I got from him to help out with working on other things. (love)
David Biagas Jr:
We’re so sorry to hear this Audrey…. you both look just like him….
Kristin Wiley:
I’m so sorry for your loss
Sue Ulintz Mosovich:
I’m so sorry, Audrey. My heart breaks for you, especially during this time when you can’t be there. So much to you and your family. (love)
Leah Koop Lichy:
Audrey, I am so deeply sorry for your loss! (praying)
Becca Seston Schillaci:
I love you Audrey. I’m so sorry your dad is gone from our world. (crying)
Gennifer Leigh:
So sorry for your loss (praying)(love)
Lacy Onstad:
I’m so so sorry Audrey! He is a great man!!!! Sending my love! (much love)
Audrey Ruth Slator Omar:
did you know him from the turf?
Lacy Onstad:
yes I did. Always such a pleasure to talk to! I remember he used to always put money in our stockings during the holidays! Always so so nice!!!
Emily Hilleren:
I am so sorry, Audrey. He sounds like he was a good man who will be missed.
Lau Calvimonte:
Oh so sorry for your loss Audrey… sending love to your family (much love)
Lauren Henderson:
I am so sorry for your loss.
Lindsay Bock:
I’m so sorry Audrey! Thinking about you and your family (much love)
Laura Wehri:
Oh Audrey. I’m so sorry to hear this. Dr. Slator was a wonderful man. It was great having conversations with him when I worked at the turf. He will be missed. Prayers to you and your family. (love)
Audrey Ruth Slator Omar:
I’d love to hear more!!
Laura Wehri:
He always sat in our corner booth. We pretty much designated that booth (which was actually a table) for him. I remember when I would train someone new, I would say that’s booth 5 you can remember it because that’s where Dr Slater sits. He will drink pints of beer instead of getting a big 32 oz but we always charged him for the big ones and gave him two pints so it was cheaper. Natalie Deutsch actually drew him a reserved sign for Bison games that we used so he always had a spot. He always had a tidbit of information to pass along. Most of the time he had his ear buds in working on his computer bmand would give us a friendly nod when wed bring him a fresh beverage. But once in awhile hed take them out to share a new piece of random info that hed found out or thought we should know. Always salted his napkin so his beer glass wouldnt stick. 🙂 He was enjoyed as a person by all who worked and patronized there. Cheers Dr Slator. I’ll send a pint to B5 for you. (beer)
Audrey Ruth Slator Omar:
thank you!
Audrey Ruth Slator Omar:
I only tracked him down once at the turf after I turned 21, and he was not thrilled to see me. (crying laughter) It was his sanctuary in a lot of ways, so I’m so glad he was appreciated.
Laura Wehri:
he probably saw me drunk more times than I’d like to admit. I mean if I wasnt working I was drinking. He was very much appreciated and well taken care of by all the staff. (love)
Teresa Riggs Foushee:
Peace love and strength to you, Audrey, on the passing of your AWESOME Dad. He was one of my NDSU cs professors in the ’80’s Treasuring memory of alum-visit BisonTurf meet-up with Dr. Brian Slator.
Samuel L. Krauth:
My heart is with you. I’m so sorry, Audrey. (much love)
Audrey Ruth Slator Omar:
thank you, Sam
Morgan Early:
So sorry Audrey Ruth Slator Omar. Sending you lots of love.
Amber Bernhardt:
Oh I’m so sorry, Audrey, Megan and Rita. My love to all of your families. Hugs to you.
Soriah Anvary Nourani:
This is so hard. Sending you warm thoughts during this time.
Cole Davidson:
Oh Audrey. I’m really sorry to hear about your dad. I never had much interaction with him, but will always remember the guy in the batman cap on campus. Take care. (much love)
Ann Burnett:
The backwards Batman cap.
Shane Drew Soboroff:
Very sorry to hear this, we’re thinking of you and your family!
Jessica Vaughan-Jensen:
I’m so sorry for your loss.
Kathleen Turley Cox:
Audrey, it was wonderful to read your tribute to your Dad, he absolutely adored his family! I have been at a loss for words because in my mind he was bigger than life in so many ways. He always patiently listened to me explain something to him with a 1,000 words when what he really wanted was more like 5. (smile) He could occasionally be hard on the people that worked for him (and not unfairly) but ALWAYS ended with kindness. He was so incredibly kind and generous. I feel so lucky to have worked with him, and will miss drinking beer with him at the Fargo Brewing Co. Sending love to you, your Mom, and whole family. (love)
Cathy Hauge:
I’m so sorry for your loss. He sounds like a wonderful man. Hugs to you and your family!
Alison Bianchi:
My deepest condolences, Audrey.
Kevin Bauer:
I’m sorry for your loss. I knew your dad. He was my professor. He had a great sense of humor and was kind to everyone in the department.
Beverly Dennis:
I’m sorry for the loss of your brother. You are all in my thoughts and prayers!
Crystal Cossette Knight:
Knight Audrey, I am so, so sorry to hear this. Hugs and love to you and your family.
Matthew Bakko:
I’m so so sorry. So much love to you and your family. Love you forever
Audrey Ruth Slator Omar:
love you, too
Anthony Paik:
My deepest condolences, Audrey. So sorry.
William Charles Lies:
I never knew your dad was ‘the professor’. I’m so sorry. He was always nice when we chatted.
Audrey Ruth Slator Omar:
where did you chat?
William Charles Lies:
at the turf. Unless I’m thinking of someone else. (frown)
Audrey Ruth Slator Omar:
nope, that was definitely him. Would love to hear more!
Daniela Volo Nunes:
So sorry, hugs to you and your family.
Carly Wicks:
Audrey I am so so sorry! Love to you and your family.
William R. Balsley:
My sincere condolences. It sucks. <3
Tristan White:
Audrey, we were so sad to hear this news. Your dad came through North Carolina and stayed with my parents for a few days last fall. Rachel and I brought the girls out for dinner and Nora and Audrey spent the night running around the house and talking his ear off while he watched football. So sorry for your loss and the extra pain of not being able to come together in this weird and scary time.
Audrey Ruth Slator Omar:
he loved that trip, and we talked a lot about it. He loved the Whites.
Tristan White:
He definitely had a great time telling stories and talking while he was here from what Alan White has said!
Jamie Sanchagrin:
Audrey, we are so very sorry for your loss. Thinking of you all.
Barbara Koop:
Audrey, I can’t believe this sadness has come upon your family. I hope you all experience some solace and support for as long as you need it.
April Graves:
I’m so sorry for your loss love and prayers to you and your family
Chien-ju Lin:
I am so sorry for your loss. I hope the good memories will bring you enough comfort.
Amber ‘Ray’ Mattson:
I am so sorry Audrey… (frown)
Marion Flynn:
I am so sorry for this loss, dear one. Holding you and your family in my heart –
Shannon Hessburg:
I am so very sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you and your family.
Amy Barrett Small:
I am very sorry Audrey.
JoDe Person:
I’m so sorry for your loss! The world lost a good one!
Lynette Seminole:
Hugs, hugs, hugs; there are no words. We were family. I always enjoyed being around him. My last visit with him was playing trivia with him at the Fargo Brewery. He knew the answers! Such a loss. I’m so sorry we can’t be together to mourn.
Audrey Ruth Slator Omar:
Thank you, Lynette
Laura Elise:
So sorry for you loss. Sending love to you and your family (love)
Rachel Lowery:
I’m so sorry for your loss! Prayers to you and your family.
Heidi King Purvis:
I’m so sorry (crying)
Katy Alter:
No time is a good time to lose someone of course but right now is particularly difficult… I hope you can find solace in others who knew him well. (love)
Heather Pavlovic:
I’m so sorry for your loss, Audrey. I will be praying for you and your family. (much love)
Bjorn Pederson:
sorry to hear this. lost my dad this year too, its tough. hang in there
Jerome Nelson:
I’m so sorry Audrey- Those are some lovely thoughts/ memories you shared and I hope you will receive so many more to help you through this time.
Kyle Shaffer:
So sorry for you and your family’s loss. Hoping you are able to celebrate his life during such a tough time
Audrey Ruth Slator Omar:
Thank you, Kyle
Alicia Crone:
So sorry for your loss (love)
Farah Nadeem:
I’m so sorry for your loss
Aaron Levy:
Sending Andrea’s and my love to you and your family, so sorry to hear, Audrey
Audrey Ruth Slator Omar:
Thanks, Aaron (love)
Marcy Hilleren:
I’m so sorry for your loss. Hugs to you all.
Hilary Fussell Sisco:
I am so sorry for your loss.
Bryce Livingston:
He will be greatly missed! Sorry for your loss!
Matthew A Andersson:
This is such sad news. It sounds like he will live on through many people. Thinking of your family – what a great loss.
Lori Horvik:
So sorry. Wishing peace to you and your family.
Valerie Bornemann:
I’m very sorry for your loss.
Ramin Jabbarli:
Audrey, I am so sorry for your and your family’s loss. My thoughts are with you.
Sonia Singhvi:
So sorry to hear of the passing of your father. Thinking of you and your family during this difficult time.
Christi Boscarino Elligers:
Audrey Ruth Slator Omar, I’m so so sorry to hear. You and your family are in our thoughts.
Janani Gopalan:
So sorry for your loss, Audrey. Thinking of you and your family during this very difficult time.
Kristin Bradbury:
I’m so sorry, Audrey. My thoughts are with you (love)
Kylie Beard:
I’m so sorry, Audrey, Megan, and Ruth. I remember him from when we were younger. What an interesting life he led.
Audrey Ruth Slator Omar:
Thanks, Kylie. That is a comfort right now. My dad wasn’t waiting to live life.
Kylie Beard:
Such a character, and a something to strive for. What a great idea for the scholarship, by the way!
Denyce Grabe McDonald:
So sorry for your loss Audrey, hugs to you and your family.
Caitlin Coghlan Brosseau:
I’m so sorry Audrey. Please know I’m thinking of you and your family. FWIW, I remember you to be a wonderful, kind person – that is surely a credit to all of your father’s hard work and love. (love)
Audrey Ruth Slator Omar:
Thank you, Caitlin. I really appreciate it!!
Cheryl Troxel:
Oh, Audrey…. I’m so sad to hear this. We lost my dad 8 years ago. Losing a parent is so hard. I’ll be holding you in my heart…
Emily Hagemeister:
I’m so sorry for your loss, Audrey. He was a presence like none other and made such a remarkable impact. Sending hugs and healing thoughts to all of you.
Katie Croce:
So sorry for your loss! My thoughts are with you all!
Pamela Chabora:
I am so very sorry Audrey Ruth Slator Omar…you are in my prayers xxoo
Kristen Brennan:
I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending you healing thoughts. (much love)
Miranda Wilson:
I’m so sorry to hear this. Sending loving, peaceful, and kind thoughts to you and your whole family! What a loss… (sad)
Robin Grotte:
So sorry to hear this Audrey, take care during this time! (love) Looks like you have so many wonderful memories to remember your dad by.
Rooth Varland:
I’m so sorry. Such a shock. I saw him at provost’s meetings way back when. If we talked it was about you and Megan. He was a proud father.
Jay Taylor:
So sorry, Audrey.
Sean Dillon:
So much love to you and your family, Audrey. What a terribly hard thing.
Davida Wheeler:
Oh honey, I’m so so sorry. Wrapping my arms around you from afar. Love you so much
Katie Seston Burns:
I love you Audrey (much love)
Angela Mathers:
I’m so sorry. Sending peace to you.
Joshua Boschee:
I am so sorry, Audrey Ruth Slator Omar! I enjoyed the visits your dad and I had at the Turf. He’d often be working at a table in the corner, while shenanigans and ensued around him. Sending positive thoughts your and your family’s way.
Carol Spencer:
We didn’t see each other all that much, us in California and them in Minnesota. I think the first time I met Brian I was 12 or 13 and he had just traveled across the country ala Easy Rider on a chopper style motorcycle. He had longer hair, a face that had been burnt by the sun as he rode through the Mojave (in July) and he convinced my dad to let me go for a ride on the back of his motorcycle.
Thought he was awesome then…
Nancy Slator:
You saw the authentic Brian then. 🙂
Anne Ballinger:
So sorry, Audrey. I remember meeting your dad at North High and Trollwood events. He was reserved, but always very friendly and so very proud of you and Megan. He will be missed.
Katie Gruchalla Russart:
I am so sorry for you loss, Audrey. Hugs to you and your family.
Robert Brantseg:
So sorry for your loss, Audrey. I got to work with your dad a little bit during a summer job at NDSU. He was smart and funny and always fun to be around. Sending good thoughts to you.
Audrey Ruth Slator Omar:
Thank you, Rob! I’m realizing that he had more contact with people that I knew from other places than I realized! It helps a lot to know how many people he positively affected.
Robert Brantseg:
Robert Brantseg He really did. I still remember a few of his quips and bits of wisdom. 🙂
Audrey Ruth Slator Omar:
I’d love to hear/ read anything you’d like to share!
Robert Brantseg:
Well one thing that really struck me was that despite being a computer expert his approach was always very common sense. One time we were in a meeting and people were debating back and forth for what seemed like a very long time about how to speed up some process that was slowing down the software. Finally he was like “just put in a loading screen, people will wait *forever* as long as they know it’s not crashing”. He realized it was a user expectation problem more than a software problem. It’s a small detail I guess, but I was really impressed by how insightful his solution was. It was also pretty funny. 🙂
Alicia Maher Lakomski:
Audrey Ruth Slator Omar I am so so sorry to hear this! I am keeping your Dad and all if you in my prayers! Sending you lots of Love-Hugs-and Prayers (much love) (prayers)
Audrey Ruth Slator Omar:
Thank you, Alicia
Annie Guter:
OH my, I am so sorry for your loss, too young, too soon, sending lots of prayers for everyone.
Carol Frueh Russo:
I’m so sorry to hear about your dad. Sending lots of love.
Leigh Skomolo-Porterfield:
Audrey, my heart breaks for you. Please know that we are praying for you and your family (love).
Toby Mulvihill:
I’m so sorry for the loss.
Pebbles Boe Ensrud:
I’m so very sorry for your loss, Audrey. I will be thinking and praying for you and your family during this difficult time.
Kim Jablonski:
So sorry Audrey (love)
Lilly Schultz:
Sorry to hear that , I know you all will miss him .
Stephanie Esposito-Bartocetti:
Sending you hugs, I’m so sorry xo
Gerry Tuohy:
Rest In Peace Brian. Sincerest condolences to all Brian’s family and friends.
Joyce E. Craig:
I’m so sorry for your loss. After reading your tribute, the people who knew him were very fortunate. Sending hugs to all of you.
Juandalyn Burke:
So sorry to hear about the loss of your father. Sending you and your family so much peace and love. And what a beautiful tribute you wrote for him.
Virginia Cain (May 13):